Thursday, February 28, 2013

Update Daily 3 - Chapter 3

Welcome back for Update Daily 3 - Chapter 3 my reflections on Chapter 3....Yes I am a bit late getting this post together. I am so sorry. My dad went into the hospital last Tuesday with pneumonia - his O2 saturation is still not good....and well I just had to deal with life :0) Anyways, I'm back and ready to jot down some ideas for implementing D5 in my kinder classroom.

I will use the guiding questions/thoughts that Tammy from Live, Love, Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten set out.. She is so good at that! 

Now, I've told you before that I've done D5 in 1st and 2nd grade so although I didn't do it in kinder, I did naturally learn alot from using D5 for years - and that naturally bled over to my teaching in kinder. 

1. Establish a gathering place for brain and body breaks.

Check! Our whole group learning area is a big circle rug that looks like the ocean. It's beautiful and makes me smile :0) I call in the circle since it's ....a circle. (creative I know)

(hahaha - ignore the Easter eggs laying around the circle carpet)

I also believe in the importance of getting kids up and moving to re-engage their minds. It's about movement. I know when I sit too long in one place my mind starts drifting and it's so easy to become zombiefied. Simply getting up and moving causes your brain to wake up. I play lots of transition songs - just 2-3 minute songs that the kids can dance to, wake up their mind, and they feel ready to go back to learning.

2. Develop the concept of "good fit" books.

I definitely use the shoe lesson the Sisters offer in their book. The kids so enjoy seeing me flop around like a loon in my husband's work boots and they love trying on their classmates' shoes. It really gets the message across that we are all different and what fits me may not fit you.....and that's OK. Here are some books I use when teaching about "good-fit" books along with the Sisters' shoe lesson:

"Those Shoes" is a story about a boy who wants a pair of shoes so bad he tries to wear a pair that doesn't fit him at all. This is a wonderful story to use to demonstrate to kids that we need to choose books that "fit" us. Kids often want to read books that their friends read - even if they are way too hard....this is a perfect book to calm that and help us focus on what WE as individuals need. 

"Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes" is just a super fun story that is perfect to read the first week of school. It will allow you to make lots of connections for when you begin teaching the shoe lesson. Kids love shoes - so it's a great way to engage them quickly!

"Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes" another fun "shoe" book with Pete the Cat.... again a perfect book to read during the first week of school.

"Dog in Boots" is a story about a dog who wants shoes like those from "Puss in Boots". He finds some great shoes, but they don't let him do what dogs do. They don't fit his purpose. This book is a must have when teaching about choosing books based on your purpose for reading.

3. Create anchor charts with students How will these be visual in the room? Where will you store them? What about small spaces?

I am so lucky that I have a nice size room to teach in. Believe me, I used to teach in a broom closet...and with no windows! So, I really love the bigger room with lovely windows! When my kids enter my kinder room the walls are bare because our learning needs to be created as we go. This also means I do not store anchor charts. I give them to the students at the end of the year. Just like we build our room together, we take it apart as well. 
 Now, there are times when I get a chart started before they enter the room for time's sake. But, the kids watch/interact as we "build" each anchor chart because there's a lot of learning and muscle memory that goes into seeing the chart made, hung up, and referenced to time and time again. Usually our anchor charts stay up all year long. Sometimes, I've noticed that some charts become obsolete and take up valuable room when we need it for other charts. So, I love the idea that Marsha at A Differentiated Kindergarten suggested - when they have hung for so long - take a photo and create a reference book. Then you can re-use that space (especially important in tiny rooms) and yet kids can still access those anchor charts. Thanks Marsha - great idea!

4. Short, repeated intervals of independent practice and setting up book boxes (How are you going to keep track of stamina? What will you use for book boxes? What are you going to put in those book boxes on the 1st day of school?)

I use book boxes like these from Really Good Stuff: Durable  Book And Binder Holder With Stabilizer Wing & Label Holderâ„¢ - 12 Pack

Their book boxes contain guided reading books they've read as well as other books they choose. It also holds their writer's workshop folder, crayons and pen. It basically is a store-house for all their personal learning materials they need throughout the day. 

5. Calm Signals and check in procedures (Do you already 
have a signal? How will you handle check ins?)

I use music for all my transitions. In fact, more times than not there is some form on music going in my class. The only time I don't have music playing is during our whole group lessons (and even then I have music incorporated throughout the lesson). What can I say? I'm a music lover!

I do have a set of bells just like the Sisters use (I bought them years ago when I first started Daily 5 in second grade.) I do use them, but I have found that using the music on my computer (itunes) works better....and is just "me". I'm not a super quiet person so me using quiet bells seems a little out of place. :0)

6. Using the correct model/incorrect model approach for demonstrating appropriate behaviors. 

My plan for addressing incorrect behavior is first to have a preventative outlook.....lots and lots of repetitive practice for all. I love how the Sisters talked about modeling, then have kids show correct behavior. But they don't stop there. They then allow a child who likes to act out - act out!!! Show that incorrect behavior! Next comes the beauty - have that same student show correct behavior. This is so important for a number of reasons. First, it helps you know whether that student truly can demonstrate correct behavior. It also shows others he can do it. It shows that student, he can do it and the good feelings that brings. It also provides muscle memory for when you correct him.

If I have one that simply struggles even with continued practice, I work one-on-one with that student to learn the needed behaviors. It may seem like I'm neglecting other kids, but trust me you will waste alot more time and learning if you don't address that child's needs. I have set up individual behavior plans for children that need extra, extrinsic motivation. This is also where relationship becomes ultra important. Most kids will do what you want IF they know you love them (and they are capable). I also work on motivating all my students. I want everything we do to be SO fun, they can't wait to join in. No plan works 100% of the time. You go with the flow, you take into account the particular child, and the particular group of kids - and you go from there. This is one thing that makes teaching such a difficult job! :0)

I am LOVING this book study. I'll be honest. I am not 100% sold on doing D5 in kinder. I believe what I will do will be a combination between literacy workstations and D5. There are things that still concern me about doing strict D5 in kinder - interaction and developmental activities being part of my concern and not having enough time for a true Writer's Workshop. Currently, my centers (which are really Debbie Diller-style workstations) work really well. I see amazing things from my students and I kind of feel.....why mess with something that works. And this is why we study things, right? determine if something is right for us....:0)

That being said.....I adore this book study and anyone can benefit from the discussions that have spawned from it.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

2013 update Guest Post - Sarah from Teaching is Colorful

Hey everyone! My name is Sarah from Teaching is Colorful and I am so excited to be a guest blogger on Kindergarten Lifestyle! First, a few tidbits about myself...I graduated last May and accepted a job at a charter school as a title 1 math teacher last year. I loved it, don't get me wrong, but there were a few issues (office being directly underneath gym as 1) and when I was told in April, my job was cut, I was nervous, but excited for what opportunity might be next! Well it opened up a wonderful new chapter that I will soon be starting in Asheboro, North Carolina! I'll be co-teaching a first grade classroom (my absolute favorite grade!) and I am very excited (and nervous) to be moving down in just a few short weeks!
With that being said, I've been busy creating games and activities for my little firsties! :) My future school is big on the balanced literacy program and while we are doing Guided Reading, students will be busy with centers and independent learning activities. I wanted to share one I made with you today! 
I'm sure most of you have heard of the book LMNO Peas by Keith Baker. I just love it and it is so cute for K-1 when they are learning their letters. 
My freebie to you is this center you can use in small groups in conjunction with the book. Cut and laminate the circles and students match the letters to the beginning sounds of the pictures. :)
Click on the pic to get your free copy! Thanks so much for reading and come check me out at Teaching is Colorful! Have a wonderful summer!!

2013 update Blocks/Building Center FREEBIE

Ok, pre-k and kinder teachers: let me ask you a question. 
Do you have a blocks/building center in your room? 

Have you done away with it because is seems like too much of a "problem-center"? Do your kiddos not seem to know what to do there? 

PLEASE don't get rid of your block/building center....and if you already have PLEASE let me show you a couple ideas that will allow you to bring it back!

The building/block center has a very important place in any pre-k and kindergarten curriculum. Playing with blocks provides a wonderful opportunity for oral language development, hand/eye coordination, and spacial reasoning among many other benefits.

While this is indeed an important center, it can also be problematic. It can be a noisy center in which kids become off-task. Sometimes kids start playing with the blocks, throwing them, etc. Most of that off-task behavior is a result of not knowing/remembering what they can do there. 

I won't go on and on about modeling and practice, practice, practice - you already know that. I want to offer 2 super simple ideas to help make this center manageable and more enjoyable for you and the kiddos!

1. Here is a little "I Can" booklet you can model how to use with your students. Then, they will be able to refer to the booklet for ideas to keep them on task in this important early childhood center. It basically offers your students ideas to begin their block creations -- not an exhaustive list -- just ideas to get them started in easy to understand pictures.

I hope you like this FREEBIE :0) Click HERE to grab!

2. Also, something else I find really helpful with keeping kids engaged and focused during center time is having clear boundaries for them. Most of the time the kids WANT to follow directions.....but they are 5 and 6 and they DO forget. I have found that using "duck tape" boundaries really help them know where their center begins and ends. My kids have learned very well how to stay inside their "zebra stripes". All I have to do is glance at the floor and I have kids checking their feet to make sure they are in their center. It's a great visual!

I hope these ideas help!
Now, it's your turn! What do you do to help manage your blocks/building center? Let us know below in the comments :0)

2013 update Guest Post - Jennifer Ayer from Best Practices 4 Teaching

Jeannie was kind enough to let me blog for her during this holiday week and I have had a blast getting this post and the freebie together!  I hope that you enjoy what I have to share!

We all know that Kindergarten is a whole different world in comparison to other grades.  You sing, use real glue, and teach the basics of reading to your students.  K hat is off to you!  I could never do what you do everyday!

First grade teachers, your world is a little different <I know!  I have been there!> because you have to combine that creativity from the K world with the world of higher independent reading.

So where does that leave us second grade teachers?  We are in a hurry to get our kids reading even more so that they can be ready for the evil tests that are coming their way in 3rd grade.  But, we also have to be able to meet the needs of the kids that are still on a K or 1st grade level.

The use of basals is going out of style, in a fast way.  In fact, my district refuses to buy basals anymore, and has opted to buy lots of guided reading books.  As basals fade out, so do the one-size-fits-all spelling lists.  This past year, I had as many as 20 different spelling lists <almost 1 list per child> in order to meet their needs.  I had one student that could only hear the first sound of each word and a student that had words with the -tion and -sion suffixes.  A really broad range, huh?  By the end of the school year, I was down to 4 spelling lists.  It made life a lot easier!

This is the spelling program that we use now.

So, what is a blogger to do when she wants to bridge the gap between  K, 1, and 2 teachers and provide a freebie that will help everyone?   You return to your roots <Montessori roots, I might add!> and fix a freebie that can be used by all 3 grade levels!

Student success in spelling a word depends on the student's developmental level and his/her ability to 'hear' sounds.  For instance, if you ask a student to spell the word  PENCIL you might get 'PL', "PNL', or "PNSL' among others.  It isn't until the student is a good solid reader that you will see the word pencil spelled correctly.  So, what do we do to help them hear all of the sounds?  We practice 'hearing' and 'listenig'.

So, I fixed a little freebie for you that can be used by your other students.  One student can ask them to spell the word by 'reading' the picture.  The other student records the sounds that are heard.  An answer sheet is provided so that the student can check the work if he or she would like...but I don't recommend that because it may stifle those listening skills if the student gets frustrated that he/she can't hear all of the letters.


2013 update Crafty Classroom Name Sign

Ok so I am going to totally give a disclaimer here.... I am quite possibly the least crafty kindergarten teacher on the face on the Earth. I don't really get heavily into decorating my classroom with themes and such (although it is still super cute). I mean...I'm a busy teacher and mother of 6.

However, I have always wanted a cute sign to hang outside my classroom, but didn't want to spend a ton of money for it. So, I took a quick trip to Michaels Craft store and found exactly what I needed to throw this super cute name sign together with my 11 year old daughter.....

So, I'm thinking -- not too bad and it was REALLY easy and quick too!
What you need:
a wood board - mine is about 18 inches long
decorative paper (any design you like)
letters for your name, grade, 
or whatever else you want on your sign

How to Make it:
1. I chose to use a textured pink paper to cover the board. I had to glue 2 pieces of the pink decorative paper together to cover the board. I then traced around the board and cut it out.

2. See, now the pink paper is the same size and shape as the board itself. This is soooo much easier and nicer looking than trying to paint the board. It's also cheaper....I like cheaper! :0) I just hot glued the decorative paper to the board.

3. After I placed the the pink decorative paper on the board, I created a zebra print border using the same kind of decorative, textured paper. Hot glue works wonders! I just used my scissors to cut the border into a scallop design. 

4. Then I hot glued a pretty pink boa around the outer edge.

5. I used little letters (about 2 in) to spell out my name. And voila!! It's done.

Seriously, this little project took me about 10 minutes from start to finish... not too painful and I can't wait to hang it next to my door! :0)

2013 update Little Birdtales

 I have an awesome website to share with you today that will provide tons of great learning experiences for your students and help create memories that will last a lifetime. The possibilities really are ENDLESS!

The website I want to share with you is LittleBirdTales.

This website allows you to create photo albums and/or picture books with narration. It's FREE to use and super simple. Here is how I used this website this year in my classroom:

Each year in my kindergarten classroom, we conduct an entire research unit on animals. One of the standards we have to meet is having the kids "present" their research. Typically they make posters, dioramas, book jackets, etc. This year was the first year I chose to try a ditigal storybook and I'm so glad I did. Check out our "Safari Research" presentation HERE.

Pretty cool, huh? This was a hit with the kids! I mean they NEVER got tired of seeing the animals they chose and hearing themselves and their classmates present their learning. It is still one of the most amazing activities I've done with my kiddos. It's very simple, but was a "thumbtack" to post all they learned about the various safari animals.

Something even cooler is that you can purchase the Mp4 download for $.99. (Of course you can view online for FREE anytime). That would be great to put in a listening center. Parents can also purchase the Mp4 as a wonderful keepsake! And, even as a teacher - I know I want to keep this to remember those sweet little ones - just hearing their voices brings back memories....:0) How special!

I am thinking of other ways I can use this wonderful resource.
*Books on Tape - well now Mp4 format. I never seem to have enough books for the listening center. I could totally read a book and download it as an Mp4 - and put in the listening center --- ANY book!
*Fluency center - kids can record themselves reading and listen to themselves.
*Retell center - kids can draw illustrations of the beginning, middle, and end of a favorite story and retell it.
*Writing center - kids can draw original pieces and narrate their stories - what creativity that involves!

Here is a quick video that explains even more you can do with Little Bird Tales (it's less than 2 minutes long).

I hope you enjoyed hearing a little about this awesome website and how you can use it with your students. Using technology in the classroom doesn't have to be tedious and difficult or take up lots of time. This site is super easy to use and we made our books in little 5 minute pockets of time....

In the comments below, please let us know your ideas for using this website's ditigal storybooks.

2013 update Who Wants One of These? Easi-Speak Giveaway!

Doesn't this boy look like he's having a ball reading?? Look at that adorable little microphone!!! This is the Easi-Speak USB Recorder from Learning Resources. 

Awhile back I was contacted by Learning Resources to do a review for them on the Easi-Speak Digital Microphone..... I got to be honest. I had never heard of this product, but I know the company. It's a great, reputable company that is known for creating great educational products. So, I excitedly said SURE!

Now, while they did request that I do a review.....that's all I was asked to do: give my completely unbiased, teacherly opinion on this product. Well what teacher doesn't love telling their friends about new teacher stuff?? They agreed to give me one to keep and I get one to give away to a lucky person...... what a great deal?!

So, since I had never heard of this product, I figured there are others who haven't heard of it either........Here it is!

Ok, so here is what I thought about it........

I gotta tell ya I'm no good with tech gadgets like digital cameras, dvd players, basically anything that comes with a cord......

But immediately when I opened the package I noticed that it seemed super-duper simple (which is good because I'm super-duper simple ;0) The package contained the Easi-Speak Microphone and 1 cord. There aren't alot of far so good... I might be able to handle this..... The microphone is ultra light-weight and has a lanyard that you can wear as a necklace.

It took me all of 15 seconds to figure out how to work this microphone (yes the teacher who can't operate a simple ditigal camera correctly)..... The "record" button is red and the "play" button is green........It really is THAT simple....And that's is really good when you teach kinder like me.... I have no doubt that my kids will be able to learn to use this gadget pretty quickly!

Something else I like is that if you want to download something you've recorded to your computer - you simply slip off the black tip on the end of the microphone, plug it into the USB on your computer- and BAM! it's downloaded! You CANNOT get much more easy than that! 

And NO, NO, NO batteries - just connect to your computer's USB to charge!! Woo-hoo! I don't know how many times one of our cool classroom gadgets didn't work because the batteries were dead -- uuggghhhh (don't act like it never happened to you - we both know it has :0) This thing will never run out of batteries!'s a cool new toy -- but what would I do with it at school?

I can think of probably a million and one things to do with this awesome little "toy".

1. Model using fluency and expression during shared reading. After recording, you can play back your reading and discuss. 

2. After you've modeled using the microphone to record your reading, you can place this microphone in the big books centers for kids to record their reading of beloved books. How cool for them to "read" a book to the class during share time. Plus, I could see keeping a record of students' reading for documentation or to send to parents.

3. Perhaps your kiddos would like to write a song - and then sing it! I can see their eyes lighting up as I write this!

4. The Easi-Speak is also a great way to record learning.... if you are in the middle of a science experiment - kids can record their findings instead of always writing. This would be particularly motivating for those who struggle with writing. 

5. I plan to use this during our calendar time. The "calendar leader" will use and record. Then, during literacy centers, the kids at the listening center will be able to listen to the recording and go through calendar time again.

I can see this motivating the reluctant readers and/or speakers in class!

Now, for the fun part.......Do you want one of these? Could you use it? I'm going to have a SUPER simple giveaway. Here is how to enter my giveaway to get your own Easi-Speak (a $69.99 value):

1. Please follow my blog --> :0)
2. In the comments, write and tell us how you could use the Easi-Speak in your classroom. (please include your email in case you win!)

That's it!! Not too painful and maybe you'll help others get some great ideas and maybe pick up a few ideas for yourself. 

The winner will be announced on my FaceBook Fan Page on Thursday. The winner will have 24 hours to contact me at If not, I will announce a new winner. 

Good luck I hope you win!!! 
I also want to thank Learning Resources for offering this fantastic prize!! I am so excited to use mine in my classroom this year.....that is IF I can pry it out of my 4 year old's hands (he loves it too)...... As teachers, we really appreciate fantastic companies that value us and our opinions!

You may want to follow Learning Resources in the following ways:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

gapps 4.2 galaxy nexus

DeWitt Google Apps Portal gapps 4.2 mail, Gmail-Use your Google e-mail account to build e-mail groups and communicate with others at DPS. ... gApps at Marshall University You can login to your gApps account right now, using your existing MUNET username and password. Gmail Keep a Marshall University email address, but use ... Gapps - Translate this page GAPPS uudisti IT:mme vastaamaan arkkitehtien liikkuvaa työtä ja koulutti meidät tehokkaasti Appsien pariin. ” Kari Leppänen, Kari Leppänen Arkkitehdit ...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hanya untuk Guest Post - Penny Messick from Teach the Math

Hi Friends! I'm happy to be guest blogging over at Kindergarten Lifestyle today. Thanks Jeannie for having me! I know summer is sizzling but it is never to early to be thinking about the upcoming school year.  It seems that Kindergarten teachers have an endless list of things they are responsible for teaching; and one of the first on the list is number sense. When kids leave Kindergarten, they should have a strong, solid sense of number.  Number recognition is a small but important part of number sense. There are many ways to practice this skill with your students, and one good way is to have them use number fans.
Number fans have been around for quite some time.  You may have seen many variations of this flexible and fun tool. They are simple, easy to make, and serve as a multi-purpose instructional tool. My students always had fun using them.I have created a printable number fan to help you reinforce number recognition with your students. I've also included pictures and ideas of how they might be used. Click here for your free set.  Directions for making number fans:
    Printable Number Fan
  1. Print a set of number cards for each child in your class. Printing them on colored cardstock works well.
  2. Laminate them and cut them out. (More capable students can make their own.)
  3. Punch a hole in the bottom of each card and assemble them in numerical order (place the question mark at the end).
  4. Use a brad or small ring to hold the cards together. 
www.teachthemath.comA few ideas for using your number fans:
  • Have kids display the number as you call it out. 
  • Have kids choose a number, compare with a friend's number, and determine which is larger.
  • Let children display a number that is one larger or one smaller than the one you call.
  • Have them display a number that comes between two numbers that you call.
  • Children can display the question mark card if they are unsure about the number you call.
Number FanNote: With younger children, use only number cards 0-5. As your students' number sense continues to improve, add numbers 6-9 to the fan.  Use two sets of cards when you begin working with double digit numbers.  Although it's possible to display two digit numbers with just one set, it is best to put two sets together to represent doubles and larger numbers (i.e. you can't display the number 22, 33, etc. without two sets of number cards). 
www.teachthemath.comI hope you and your students will get lots of use out of these number fans! I've enjoyed being with you today. Please feel free to hop over and visit me at my blog Teach The Math. I would love to hear your comments on the number fan or ideas about how you teach number sense in your classroom. Thanks for reading along and keep on teaching the math!
Dr. Penny Messick is an Instructional Specialist with the Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI).  She spent 25 years teaching K-2 and is a strong supporter of inquiry based learning.  She spends most of her days providing resources and professional development for elementary teachers across south Alabama.  Penny blogs at  She can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

2013 download Bulletin Board Help!!!

So, summer is winding down - WAAAA!!!!! I have to admit that I am always kind of torn at this time of year. I LOVE summer and the flexibility it allows me with my children. There are days we don't eat dinner until 9p.m. and that's ok's summer!!

I love not knowing what day or time it is! One of the reasons I think I love not paying attention to time is because so much of our lives as teachers revolve around the time (down to the minute)..... It's such a sharp contrast to the school year..... It's simply refreshing!

However, as any good teacher.....I also love the newness that each August carries.... One of my favorite things to do is create a new bulletin board.

The very first thing I usually do when I get back into my class each year is the hallway bulletin board (I know most people leave that for the end, but to me that signal that they new year has begun so I do it first).......

Here is my bulletin board from last year. Our school theme was Space and Stars. In Texas, our students started taking a new high stakes test called STAAR and so the theme was in support of this FABULOUS new test (can you detect the sarcasm there?). Anyways, I wasn't really excited about the space theme so I played up on stars and came up with "Swinging on a Star" know......"Would you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar?" You're right - I can't sing! But you get my drift, right?!

I loved the bulletin board and spent a long time making the swings. They were meant to frame the students' writing (since we are limited in what we can post in the hallway (long story).....

So, fast forward to May at Kindergarten graduation........oh it's so hectic!!! Parents were told they could take all their child's work......

Well, as I was still in the classroom taking pictures with kids and talking to parents - other parents began leaving.... Before I knew it - I had swings know kinder parents......they want as much as they can get to remember their child's kindergarten year......They took the swings :0( Oh no! I spent so much time making those swings........

Oh well!! I'm over that now (2 months later:0) But, my wonderful school has decided to continue the Space/Stars theme......uggghh!! I still don't like that theme so I want to continue on with my "Swinging on a Star" theme for my bulletin board --it still fits what we are doing, yet can be more geared to beginning kinders.......

Last year, I cut a meter stick in half - glued the 2 pieces together, painted it, and stapled a rope around to create the swing......It cost me a pretty penny. I am not willing to spend a ton this year......but I love the idea.....

So, my question for you creative teachers out there --

How can I create my swings this year?

Please help me! :0)

HOT 2013 Paint Chip Card - Word Wall

I hope you are coming here from A Differentiated Kindergarten and found my guest post helpful! If you haven't seen my post on Marsha's blog, please hop over there first (I have a fantastic FREEBIE for in honor of Back-to-School)! :0)

If you know anything about me you know how important I believe teaching with a word wall is. ....having a word wall is simply NOT enough. It must be used each and every day in multiple ways with our students so they learn how to use this incredible resource independently.

I also believe it's WAY WAY important to back our word wall words with color - especially those easily confused words. Placing my word wall words on colored backgrounds really helps my kids internalize those words. It helps give kids a mental image of each word. 

My kinders are so good at this they can tell you what color a word wall word is without looking (and of course they are super proud of that ability). The reason they can tell you the color.....and the reason that is awesome is because they are seeing that word in their mind's eye. They not only remember that color, but the other features of that particular word. The color is a hook in their mind to hang that word --making kids less likely to forget it!

Now, on to the point of this post....... For years I've used construction paper and/or colored copy paper to back my words. The colors are good, but throughout the year, the colors begin to fade and just look yucky!! So, each year I am making new word wall word cards for my word wall. Well.... this just gets plain OLD!!!

I've seen tons of great ideas on Pinterest about how to use the paint chip cards for various things. This got me thinking..... Can I use paint chip cards to back my words????

So....I gave it a try..............AND ............IT works beautifully!!! Woo-hoo!! I love when something free works out the way I intend!!

I chose particularly bright cards (2-3 of each color). Any word that begins with the same letter must be a different color.... And, words that are easily confused must be backed with a different color ("am" and "me")......

I hope you like this tip! I love my word wall word cards....and perhaps even more importantly,  I don't have to re-make them each year....:0) They stay in great shape, bright as ever!

I also have a few word wall sets that may fit with your classroom theme. I also do any customizations you may need to make them fit your class PERFECTLY!!

                       (This has a programmable sheet at the end - you can make your own cards with this! :0)

HOT 2013 Merry Christmas in July!! Sale

Well.......don't you just love when TpT acts Crazy?! It was down all stinkin day.....gggrrrr....... I will probably have the sale tomorrow on July 26th (Santa's sleigh got stuck!)....but I will update later tonight what they plan with be!

It is HOT HOT HOT here in Texas!! But we are about to have a cool down - with a Christmas in July Sale.....

Some of my bloggy buddies and I will be having a 20% discount for one day only:) Join me in this JOLLY fun! 

My entire store will be 20% off. You can browse my items then hop on over to Blog Hoppin' to see my bloggin' buddies who have also joined in the fun.

Get ready, Get set.......Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!!! :0)

Oh and do you notice that I am REALLY close to 1,000 followers??? Please follow if you like what you see! I am planning a SUPER special celebration for all to enjoy!!! I'm just waiting to reach 1,000!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013