Today was the anniversary of 9/11. This date is always a surreal reminder of the tragic events from 11 years ago. I still cannot believe it's been that long.
11 years ago - I was 24 years old and in law school. I had 3 small children - my daughter had just turned 1 and I was 3 months pregnant with my 4th (a whole nuther story :0) was a different world in so many ways.............
I am so touched by stories I hear from teachers who were teaching that day. I just CANNOT imagine. I'm sure if I found myself in that position I'd find the words to comfort and hold it together -- but I truly respect those that had that and other extremely difficult jobs that day.
9/11 is a very special day for me - with all the things that changed that day -- the thing I remember the most was a revival of all things AMERICAN. It was unlike anything I'd had ever experienced up to that point. I saw many citizens and non-citizens proudly displaying American flags, holding hands, and just being a part of the American spirit. It was the MOST memorable time in my life and one I will NEVER forget.
Because of the importance of this day in our collective memory - it seems fitting to "remember" this day with our younger generations.....Of course in kinder we can't/wouldn't want to discuss the events of 9/11 with our little ones. So, I try to "remember" the day as a patriotic celebration. I never even say anything about 9/11 or terrorists of course. We just celebrate our country in a few ways on this day! I thought I'd share!!
Disclaimer: I know there are lots of super cute ideas......some way cuter than what I do. However, I teach in a district with a strict curriculum that doesn't allow alot of time for crafts and I do what I can :0) I know there are other teachers that deal with this as well - so I hope this helps some of you!
We made heart badges today that say, "I love U.S.A". We read a book about our country....most thought our country was Dallas or Texas. You know - kinders have zero concept of city, state, and country. But I tried :0) We learned that our country is the United States of America and that we can shorten that and call it U.S.A. (they thought that was super cool!). We also talked about our flag and our nation's colors (red, white, and blue). We discussed that the pledge of allegiance we do each day is a way of saying I love my country.
We topped off our mini-celebration by learning a song from the FANTABULOUS Debbie Clement. She is my new favorite children's singer.....dare I say replacing Dr. Jean......ok maybe not replacing (I mean who could replace her)....but definitely a wonderful addition to my classroom songs collection. :0)
You can read all about her and her song "Red, White, and Blue" HERE! I'm also always blown away by her art ideas too! She is an amazing singer and an amazingly sweet lady.....just LOVE this song! I've been singing it all day long..... "Red, White, and Blue - I love you!"
This song is PERFECT not only for 9/11, but also Constitution Day coming up on September 17th (next week) as well as any other time you are studying our FANTABULOUS country!!
The lovely Debbie Clement is allowing me to give away 3 downloads of her lovely "Red, White, and Blue" song. Here is how you enter this super easy giveaway......
Simply leave a comment below about how you teach patriotism to your students (plus your email address). On Sunday morning, I will choose 3 winners via a random drawing!!! You will get the download emailed right to you! You could even use in on Monday morning for Constitution Day!!!
I can't wait to see other teachers' ideas on teaching patriotism!!!
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