Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lesson Plan and Organization

Hey ya'll!

Boy I have been so busy! I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from! There is just so much to do at this time of year.

I did want to share a couple things that helps me stay organized and on-track. One is something I've used for a while now and another is something I just learned about yesterday! Woo-hoo!!

The first thing I want to share is a form of "cloud storage" called DropBox. I cannot tell you how many times in the past, I found myself emailing myself lesson plans, pictures, and other documents I'd need. Perhaps, I'd want to work on something at home in my pjs, but I'd need it at school the next day. I was never good at keeping up with those silly flash drives so I'd have to email myself. Good news is.....I NEVER have to do that anymore. Now I use dropbox and everything I save on my computer (in my dropbox) is on my computer at school too! I love it!! I keep everything for school there (and if my computer or the school's computer goes haywire)- those items are still protected! So, you never have to worry about losing documents or forgetting to email them to yourself.

Check it out HERE!
And, no I don't get a kickback from DropBox. :0) I really do just love when people sign up for a free account, I get even more space...Trust me if you try it, you will LOVE it!

Next thing I want to share is something I was introduced to just yesterday.....and I am soooo glad I was. It is a lesson planning site called PlanBookEdu.

I asked some friends about lesson planning templates they use because....I HATED mine!! I heard several of them say is fabulous so I decided to give it a try. I have to admit - I'm now in LOVE with it. It's super easy to use. It also has a feature that allows you to put in your state standards or common core standards with a couple clicks ...perfect! You can share your plans and you have several options for printing your plans depending on whether you want a one page plan or day-by-day plan. (I like very detailed day-by-day plans)... You can even attach other documents....

I so wished someone had told me about PlanBookEdu before now....but I'm happy I know about it now!

I know it has both a free and paid version (like everything it seems:0) ...but you can also get a 2 week trial premium version (with no need to put in credit card info - I love that part).....Give it a try and see what you think. I am so impressed so far!

Here are my Week 1 plans:

Do you know of any other great ways to keep yourself organized between home and school???? I'd love to hear about it!!

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