Thursday, June 7, 2012

Writing Mini-Lesson {Focus on Main Idea}

Teaching kindergarten sweeties to write can be overwhelming to say the least. Planning mini-lessons that focus on the elements found in good writing help my students develop into good writers as the year goes on. One of the very first elements I focus on is Main Idea. Below is a mini-lesson I do that focuses on teaching main idea to kindergarten students so that they learn to associate individual concepts with a larger concept. The main idea for this mini-lesson is Beach but you can make it work for anything.

Draw 2 circle maps on the board or on poster board. In the middle of one, write Beach and on the other write Not at Beach. I draw mine beforehand so I just have to pull them out when it's time.

Take your stack of picture cards and mix them up.  Show pictures one at a time and have students decide if the item belongs at the beach or not.  Have students come up and place the picture on the circle map where it belongs.  

As a follow up, I give students a circle map and have them draw pictures that relate to the main idea of School.

You can click here to download the blank circle map and picture cards for this mini-lesson. 

A big thank you to Jeannie for having me today!  I hope you'll come by and visit me at The Kindergarten Center.

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